Christmas Tour Blog – Day 2

Blogging about our concert day in Monaco is Josh Cooter.

We awoke on Day 2 of our Christmas Tour with high hopes after last night’s impromptu performance at the tapas restaurant. Even Joe was wide eyed and bushy tailed and suggested, as he was a F1 aficionado, that THE THING to do in Monaco was to walk the F1 track and, whilst not all the members quite shared his passion, the chance to top up our tans in the glorious December sunshine was hard to turn down.

Returning from essentially “walking on a road” we had a quick bite to eat before meeting our Monaco contact Emmanuelle who took us to the Chappelle de la Visitation where we were to perform later that day. The baroque church overlooked the stunning view of the harbour and was such a pleasure to sing in – we even managed to record a quick video which you can find on our Facebook page.

A strange thing was happening around town. Either we were sticking out like sore thumbs or word had spread after last night as glances and conversations by random passers-by suggested that we were “les musiciens”.

Success! We were the talk of the town! The concert was a sellout and after an encore of John Taverner’s ‘The Lamb’ and a standing ovation the crowd left, what I can only assume through my lacklustre French, happy.

Now it was time to enjoy the high life of Monaco. Unfortunately our invites to one of the many incredible yachts in the harbour must have been lost in the post so instead we decided to treat ourselves to a meal. This, however, turned out to be a rather pricey affair so a couple of members of the group were sent to the casino to recuperate some of the lost money.

Luck turned out to be on our side as it had been throughout our time in Monaco, and we really hope to return soon!

G6 in Monaco 2016

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