
We are immensely grateful to everyone who has supported us since our formation, whether by attending one of our concerts, following us on social media, or watching our videos. We would like to invite you to help us further by becoming a Friend of The Gesualdo Six. 

Our Friends are a vital part of The Gesualdo Six family and by joining you help to safeguard the future of the group, and gain unique insight into our activities. Details about the scheme can be found by clicking the link below.

If you have any questions about the friends scheme or the group’s work, please do get in touch – we would be delighted to hear from you.

We are particularly indebted to our Supporters and Patrons:


  • Lucy Coad (Square Piano Conservation)
  • Anthony Kedros
  • Jean & Philip King
  • Elizabeth Pendleton
  • Mike & Sarah Strong
  • Janet Whittaker
  • Ray Wicks

Silver Patrons

  • Paul Ayris
  • Jane & Selwyn Image
  • Tim Jones
  • David Lavender
  • Chris Lovell
  • Dave & Kate Richards
  • Elizabeth & Ian Wicks
  • John Wordley

Gold Patrons

  • Leslie & Susan Baker
  • Julia Seiber Boyd
  • Rogers Covey-Crump
  • Nicola King (thiNKnow Ltd.)
  • Alice & James Penney
  • Kate & Tim Price
  • Nigel Richards & Ella Galinski
  • Gilly Summers

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