Secret Byrd

Witness this extraordinary theatrical concert, which celebrates the 400 year legacy of William Byrd, one of England’s finest composers. The Gesualdo Six collaborate with Fretwork in an immersive performance by candlelight, created and directed by Bill Barclay and produced by Concert Theatre Works. Touring the UK in London, Scotland, York,… Continue reading

Stay at Home Choir

Everyone at team G6 is delighted to be working with Stay at Home Choir on The Polyphony Project! If you’d like to stay in touch, then please subscribe to our mailing list below, or find us on social media @thegesualdosix. We are also excited to launch our new Patreon page,… Continue reading

USA Fall 2022 blog

As part of our second tour to the US, we’re writing a blog to share behind-the-scenes stories from our travels. You can find out more about our concerts. 1. Columbus, OH to Nashville, TN – Mike & Guy2. Memphis, TN – Owain & Joseph3. Charleston, SC to Augusta, GA –… Continue reading

USA Tour Fall 2022

We can’t wait to return to the US this fall for our second tour! We will be giving concerts and workshops in Ohio, Tennessee, South Carolina and Georgia. Our full tour schedule can be found below, along with our commitment to tour as sustainably as possible. You can read about… Continue reading

Canada Summer 2022 blog

Catch up with all the antics from our tour of Canada this summer, as we visit Toronto, Ottawa, Elora and Niagara-on-the-Lake. View our tour dates. Toronto (6 July) It’s day one of our second visit to this wonderful country and this time, we’re kicking off with a couple of days… Continue reading

Canada Tour 2022

We were delighted return to Canada in summer 2022, where we gave concerts and workshops around Ontario in Toronto, Ottawa, Elora and Niagara-on-the-Lake. Our full tour schedule can be found below, along with our commitment to tour as sustainably as possible. Catch up with our tour on our blog. Tour… Continue reading

Cambridge concert with St Andrews choir

We are looking forward to performing alongside St Salvator’s Chapel Choir from the University of St Andrews on Sunday 22 May at 7:45pm. Join us to hear beautiful choral works in the gorgeous acoustics of St Giles’ Church in Cambridge. The programme includes Frank Martin’s Mass for Double Choir and the English Premiere of a new work by Owain Park, alongside music by William Byrd, Roxanna Panufnik, Eleanor Daley and Eric Whitacre. Continue reading

Tenebrae Responsories CD Release

March 2022 saw the release of our latest CD of music for Tenebrae of Maundy Thursday: The Lamentations of Jeremiah by Thomas Tallis, Judith Bingham’s Watch with me, Joanna Ward’s specially commissioned Christus factus est, and our founding document: the Maundy Thursday Tenebrae Responsories by Carlo Gesualdo. More info can… Continue reading